Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What does splurging mean?

I am on vacation this week, and after some comments on a few posts that I made on Facebook, this post started brewing in my head.  I really enjoy posting photos of foods that I enjoy while on vacation.  The posts usually get a bunch of likes and often comments about how yummy the foods look.  I also get a few comments like, "You are on vacation.  You should enjoy yourself.  Don't worry about eating healthy."  The truth is that I DON'T focus on eating healthy while on vacation.  I DO splurge.  I DO eat things that are incredibly unhealthy...for me.  That is the KEY...I eat foods that are unhealthy FOR ME...or you might say, unhealthy for my typically healthy lifestyle.  My idea of splurging is probably WAY different than yours. 

You see, I don't diet.  I have not dieted in YEARS.  Did you know that dieting leads to weight gain?  It's true.  How many people that you know go on a diet to lose weight (and they do), but as soon as they reach their goal, they go right back to the same habits that got them gaining weight in the first place?  When I decided to really start my weight loss journey, my REAL goal was to be healthy.  My plan has always been to make small, realistic changes to my regular eating, that I can maintain for the rest of my life.  It is called a lifestyle change.  It requires a complete shift in mindset.  Once you make that shift, it is REALLY hard to undo the way you think.  There are things that I simply do not eat anymore.  Not because I am trying to avoid them, but because I have managed to (over time) weed them out of my lifestyle.  As an example, I do not eat french fries...well, almost never.  Before I started my journey, I would take the kids to McDonald's, and I would order a meal...up-sizing the fries and drink, and I would EAT IT ALL BY MYSELF.   When I started my journey to a healthier me, I decided I wasn't going to eat the french fries.  It was a HUGE challenge at first.  I would still take the kids to McDonald's, and I would order just a sandwich, and still sneak in a fry or two from my kids plate.   Over time, my body adjusted to NOT eating fries.  On occasion I may sneak a few here and there.  However, to me, they no longer taste good.  They are not enjoyable.  I don't crave them.  In fact, I don't really want them at all, and often times when I do have a few, they make my tummy hurt...I actually have digestive problems eating ANY form of white potatoes (baked potatoes, chips, fries, mashed potatoes, etc).  That just makes those foods not appealing.  I managed to go through the same process with soda, and many other of my formerly favorite foods. 

Here's my point.  What might be a splurge for you, might not even be on my radar as a food that
I consider a splurge.  EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT.  When you have gone out of your way to drastically change your eating habits, and you have established a new "regular" way of eating, then you redefine what splurging is for you.  For me, eating things like coconut, macaroon fried shrimp with bok choy and coconut rice is a big splurge!!  The food choices may be healthier, but they are still fried, and smothered in not so healthy sauces.  To me, it is a HUGE treat.

Tomorrow, when I enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, I will definitely have some stuffing, deviled eggs, cranberry sauce, lots of turkey, and veggies.  I may even enjoy some wine and dessert, if they look appealing (I am not actually very big on pie).  I plan to stay away from the foods that bother my tummy.  I don't want to feel yucky after eating such a delicious meal. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Insanity Max:30 = COMPLETE

I did it!  It only took me 10 months to get up the nerve to stare Insanity Max:30.  I followed the modifier throughout the entire program.  I worked hard, and pushed beyond limits I wasn't sure that I even had.  And I came out on top!  My final results are in....I actually lost about 6 pounds.  I was kind of shocked because I have been dealing with health issues that have been preventing me from losing weight.  Even though I was modifying the exercises, I was still pushing myself to do the best that I could do.  I didn't lose as many inches in my waist as I had hoped, but I DID LOSE INCHES EVERYWHERE!!!  My hips and rear are slimmer, my chest and shoulders are more defined, I have fantastic arm strength, and even my thighs have shed some inches (I have never had that happen to me with a Shaun T workout).  FOR ME, better than the actual physical progress, I just FEEL stronger, and that is huge after the year that I have had with my fitness.  I am so proud of myself for attempting, and FINISHING Insanity Max:30!!

When I got up yesterday morning to take my "after" pictures, I was sure that I had not made any visible progress.  The truth is that I can ALWAYS tell when I compare my progress pics.  So, here they are.....
I do want to note (for my own piece of mind) that I am wearing a size smaller pants in the "after" pics.  So even though I still have some skin bulge happening, I am proud to know that it is happening in a smaller size ;)

As always, along with this program, I drank my Shakeology daily (my daily dose of dense nutrition).  It helps my body function better, and has become an essential part of my healthy lifestyle.  Also, for this program, I used the Beachbody performance line products.  The Energize was great for giving me extra energy to get tackle a challenging program like Max:30.  Hydrate kept me...well, hydrated during my workout.  I LOVE the post workout Recovery drink (my favorite) because it really helped to reduce daily soreness in my muscles.  I also used the Nighttime Recharge whenever I started a new workout in the program, or pushed myself extra hard and was feeling a little more sore than usual.  I am not sure I would have been able to make it through the program without these awesome products.  If you think you might like to give the a try, there is a sampler pack available.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Almost there

I can't believe that I am almost finished with my round of Insanity Max:30!!  It has been great to do a full program along with my husband.  If you don't already know, Max:30 is a pretty intense program....even modifying, like I am.  You really have to WANT to do it.  I'm going to be honest here.  I don't really get excited about doing the Max:30 workouts.  While I CAN do them, and I AM getting stronger, they are not my style of workout.  I am not a huge fan of cardio.  While there is a lot of body strength exercises in Max:30, there is also a lot of cardio.  I really do miss lifting weights....

Anyway, my point is that by working out daily with a partner, we are BOTH motivated to spend time together to get the workout done.  I am not gonna lie, many times we are both yelling profanities to Shaun T through the TV screen.  But, we are doing it together, and we get the workout in EVERY DAY. 

I am going to let you in on a little secret....we are only doing one more week of Max:30 (GASP).  We will be finishing up 1 week short of the 60 day program. '"Why?", you make be asking yourself.  Well, we are leaving on vacation next Friday.  It is either finish the program on vacation (which I don't really want to do on my vacation), finish up the week after vacation (the week AFTER splurging on food), or just call it a day at the end of 3 weeks of month 2, and move on to a new program for December.  Since I am super excited about the release of The Master's of Hammer and Chisel in December, I am going to squeeze in a quick round of 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme in December , and then jump right into Hammer and Chisel.  Don't worry, my hubby and I will still post our before and after pics for Max:30.


Monday, November 2, 2015

Every little step

Last week was the end of the first month of Insanity Max:30 for me.  I know that I have said this in previous posts, but the scale and I are currently at odds about my weight. That's OK.  I am still pushing forward, and I know that the scale will meet up with me eventually.  I have heard wise people say to aim for healthy, and weight loss will follow.  It really is true.  If you are striving to lose weight and not focusing on your health, you are likely to take drastic measures that may result in pounds lost....but will also result in some struggles with health.  And often times, when you start 'going back to normal' after taking those steps, the weight will come back too.  In any event, my goal right now, is for my clothes to be comfortable.  I have been slowly taking steps to get back on track with my eating.  I know jumping in full boar doesn't typically work for me.  I get frustrated about cravings, and I cave.  So, small permanent changes over time it is.  Slow and steady wins the race :).   I think I am doing pretty candy from my kids trick or treat buckets!!  Actually, I haven't been craving sweets at all, and that is a good thing right now. 

Ok, back to my month 1 results.  My weight has actually been fluctuating between 5 pounds lately.  In all likelihood, I probably lost a pound or 2 during month 1.  I HAVE lost 3.4 inches.  I would like to note that I took my month 1 measurements this evening.  Everyone knows that the belly pudge grows throughout the day.  I am pretty sure it is due to gravity ;).   Taking measurements in the evening, after dinner, is not ideal.  However, I still did it, so that I could create this post.  That is dedication!  I will measure again in the morning and update you in my next post.  So here is the REAL accomplishment of month 1 of Insanity Max:30.  I AM STRONGER!!!  I can say that will full confidence.  I know it sounds like a silly progress update, but it is so true.  Before I started Max:30, I could hardly do 5 push-ups (on my knees), without needing to stop.  Now, I can pump out 15-20 push-ups, before I need to stop for a break.  I have never been able to do this in any other workout program that I have tried.  Shaun T really hits the nail on the head when it comes to developing upper body strength by just using your own body weight.  Oh, and I follow the modifier for EVERYTHING.  You might be asking yourself, why I choose to modify the exercises.  2 reasons: 1 - I have lots of issues with my ankles and knees, and I require low impact exercises (no jumping) so I don't injure myself) as you can see from my previous sentences, I lack some upper body strength.  2 - I want to follow a full program WITH a modifier, to demonstrate that you can still get some great results while not forcing yourself to go high impact.  I am seriously impressed with how much strength that I have gained so far from this program.  My friend, talked me into running in a turkey trot for Thanksgiving.  Although I HATE running, I am anxious to see how Max:30 has improved my endurance.  I know when I did Focus T25, I went from running a mile in 9:30 to an 8.5 minute mile.  Max:30 is full of some crazy cardio too.  I am sure that my lung capacity has also strengthened.  The reality is that even though I am still struggling with symptoms of my EBV, I really do just feel better after finishing month 1 of this program.

Here you progress pics.  I have a love/hate relationship with progress pics.  Right now, I am not really happy with how I look, and I am working toward a better me. However, I NEED to be able to SEE that my body IS making progress.  I tried to wear the same clothing as in my before pic.  Although I notice my problem areas (we are our own worst critics), I can still see progress.