Friday, August 14, 2015

Bumps in the road

You know how when you get all excited about starting something?  You go out of your way to prep, you tell everyone that you are getting ready to start this new thing, and your mind is mentally ready to jump in and just do it.  You get off to a great start, and then something happens and it throws you off?  Well, that was kind of the way my 3 Day Refresh turned out.  I'll be honest, I wasn't planning on following the 3 day refresh to a T.  I was planning on following it pretty closely, and then just have a typical dinner with my family.  My overall goal was just to get myself back on track after several weeks of moving and lots of fast food, and a week of vacation.  I just needed to refocus my brain on healthier choices.  Days 1 and 2 went pretty well.  Day 3 was my downfall day.  My youngest son starts kindergarten in Monday (we home school, but that is a whole different post), and I wanted to get him into the eye doctor and make sure he is seeing well.  I have 2 other kiddos in glasses, my hubby has been wearing glasses since he was a kid, and I had to start wearing glasses about 3 years the likelihood for my youngest to need them is pretty high.  BTW - the appointment went great.  My son has a slight color deficiency, and he doesn't need glasses yet, but probably will in a few years.  Anyway, I wanted to do something special for my little guy AFTER the appointment.

 He has been begging me to take JUST HIM to Bob Evans to eat.  He LOVES the piggy pancakes they have there.  Since Bob Evans is right next to the eye doctor's office, I decided to make it a date.  I wanted to stay on track as much as possible, so I chose a salad with dressing on the side, and water to drink.  As a little side note, I only order water at restaurants.  I am sure the servers just think I am a cheapskate.  The truth is, I don't want to drink all of the junk that is in soda, and I like my tea SWEET (which I save for a treat).  Anyway, lunch went smoothly.  When I got home, I decided to do a little yard work.  I think I may have been outside a little too long, and without enough water in my system because when I came in, I just didn't feel well.   I was dizzy and had some muscle weakness (kind of like when you have the flu).  I spent most of the afternoon laying around, and trying to consume as much liquid as my body would handle.  Lots of water, and I even added in a bunch of juice.  Needless to say, I completely fell off my 3 Day Refresh plan.  That's OK though.  I accomplished my goal of getting my brain in the mindset of making healthier choices.  I am feeling better today, and I am ready for the weekend...along with healthier eating habits.

I am human, JUST LIKE YOU.  I fall off the wagon (a lot) JUST LIKE YOU.  I like to eat junk food sometimes (or in some cases, more than sometimes) JUST LIKE YOU.  I don't always make healthy choices.  I don't always follow through with my plans.  I make mistakes.  HOWEVER, I always make sure that I don't give up.  I force myself to get back up, dust myself off, and give it another go. I'm not a quitter! 

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