Thursday, March 24, 2016

Taking a Step Back

There are times in your life where you are so anxious to get started and accomplish something that you can't imagine slowing down for any reason.  Over the past few weeks, I have felt that way.  After the Mirena removal, I finally felt like I might actually start making some progress with my fitness again.  I jumped right into T25 Gamma with my husband.  In the back of my mind, I thought I might start seeing results right away.  That WAS my March plan.  The truth is that my body was on a downward spiral for so long, I think it will take awhile to start seeing some real progress.  I'm still fighting to get my energy back.  On the good side, the scale is holding steady.  I will take it...especially after the unwanted steady increase.  On the bad side, last week, I started having issues catching my breath.  Before you get all concerned that something is terribly wrong, I typically have issues with seasonal asthma in the spring and early summer.  Here in Ohio, we have has some unseasonably warm weather lately, and that brought spring on a little earlier...and it didn't give me a chance to stay in front of the allergy game.   Now that I have a few solid weeks of allergy medicine in my system, the symptoms are subsiding, and the breathing issues are lessening significantly.  Those doctors weren't kidding when they said you should start taking your meds a month before allergens are expected 😉.  Anyway, with this setback, I was struggling to catch my breath during T25 Gamma.  I made the decision to switch over to something much less intense, and started doing PiYo.

I'll be honest, I was really nervous about starting PiYo again.  I did the full program when it first came out in the summer of 2014.  That was also the same time all of health issues started to hit.  I do not think the two are related, but somehow my subconscious planted the idea that PiYo was not going to be effective for me.  My mindset is totally different right now.  I am in a place where I am just striving to FEEL BETTER.  As much as I would like to lose back all of the weight I gained (because I really would), right now I am just trying to focus on doing things that help me get healthy.  PiYo, is what my body needs right now.  I NEED the stretching, flexibility, and low intensity.  I am going to let you in on a little secret too...I am not following the program every day either.  My energy levels have been fluctuating, so if I feel like my body is telling me that today is not a good day for PiYo, then I do not do PiYo.  One thing I have been VERY focused on, is wearing my fitbit, and making sure that I get in my 10k steps a day.  I have noticed over the past year that I have become more sedentary.  I recently realized that after we finished all of the home improvement projects and put our house up for sale last year, that haven't really had anything to "do".  I have not been up and moving around as much.  I have been wearing my fitbit this whole time, and in the past 6 months, I was averaging about 3k steps a day.  Even with my workout regimen, that is just NOT  enough movement throughout the day.  Especially when a good chunk of my day is spent sitting during our home school hours.   I made the decision that I NEED to make an effort to be on my feet more.  I have been trying to get into a house cleaning routine.  That has been a challenge because now that my kids are a little older, they are just less messy.  Nevertheless, I am making sure I still get daily dusting, vacuuming and sweeping done.  In addition, I have been taking walks.  I am not power walking (which I LOVE, and used to do daily ALL THE TIME), but I am just trying to get in the steps.  My 9 year old has been walking with me, and it has been great to spend the one on one time with him.

My current goals are to get my body back in balance, get to a point where my energy is consistent again, and focus on healing my body through food and stretching.  I have a whole post in mind for the eating plan that I am starting to follow.  Stay tuned for more on that!

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