Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hello September!
I've been playing my fitness by ear lately.  I am fitting in daily workout, but I don't really have a plan that I am following.  I am just moving EVERY day.  There is so much other stuff going on right now.  My kids have started back to school.  Since I home school my kids, I have to put on my teacher hat every day.  The good news is that this year seems to have been an easier transition into the school year, than in years past...even with the addition of a kindergartner.  That has truly been a blessing because finding time to fit a daily workout in has been pretty easy.  Right now, I am finding that between 3 and 5 pm are perfect for fitting in my workout.  It gives me plenty of time to exercise, shower and then get started on dinner.  Some workouts are longer, and some are shorter.  I have managed to fit in PiYo, Body Beast, ChaLean Extreme, Slim in 6, 21 Day Fix, and CIZE.

Starting on Monday, I am going to start following the CIZE program for the rest of September.  I am excited to go through this entire program.  I am loving the workouts so far because they don't feel like exercise.  Each workout is set up just like a dance lesson.  You learn a step at slow speed.  You practice it a bit, and then try it at the correct tempo for the dance.  Then you practice some more.  Then you learn the next move (same format as the first).  Then you put the 2 moves together.  The whole workout is the same way, and you just keep adding on.  At the end of the workout, you have completed a FULL routine, you have had loads of fun, and you are a sweaty mess!  I have spent many workouts just tripping over my own feet, but then I FINALLY figure out the move, and I feel like a rockstar!  If you are interested in joining me for CIZE in September, I am running a private Facebook challenge group to help me (and others) stay focused and motivated.  If you want to join, all you will need is the CIZE program.  Message me HERE, if you want to join!

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